The former Massage by Hailey, the new and improved Greenwood Wellness Lounge will be changing scheduling sites! With this scheduling change, there will be a change in prices as well as some new services available! This site and price change will be active as of December 1st as well as the price updates. The former Square site will be used for the … [Read more...] about Greenwood Wellness Lounge
Massage Crystal Lake IL
It’s official! Massage by Hailey will be relocating!
To all my lovely clients, It’s official! Massage by Hailey will be relocating! Not right away of course, so you still have time to redeem punch cards and gift certificates alike! I will keep you all updated on the progress of renovating and eventually announce an Open House for the Grand Opening! Massage and Yoga here I come!! Are you guys ready … [Read more...] about It’s official! Massage by Hailey will be relocating!
Does massage do anything besides make you feel relaxed?
Massage therapy — or simply massage — was first employed thousands of years ago. Ancient writings include references to massage in Greece, Japan, China, Egypt, and the Indian subcontinent. Massage first became popular in the United States during the 19th century. In the middle of the 20th century, advances in medicine overshadowed massage … [Read more...] about Does massage do anything besides make you feel relaxed?
The Benefits of Lymphatic Massage
Six months after hip replacement surgery, Larry was learning to walk again and life was returning to normal. But one thing still puzzled him. When he stood for any length of time, his left ankle would swell, and when the inflammation was at its worst, his right ankle would also swell. “I can understand why my left leg is swollen,” he says. “But … [Read more...] about The Benefits of Lymphatic Massage
Habit Hacks for a Healthy 2019
I can’t believe 2019 is right around the corner. It’s always a great time of year to reassess our lives and what’s important to us. Usually it’s around this time of year that we realize we should be spending more of our precious time with family and friends and taking care of our health. This typically means eating and drinking better or exercising … [Read more...] about Habit Hacks for a Healthy 2019
How Long Should I Wait to Exercise After a Massage or Bodywork Session?
Q. “How long should I wait to exercise after a massage or bodywork session?" A. Many therapists recommend clients avoid strenuous exercise for at least 24 hours after a bodywork session. Exercising after a session can both increase muscle soreness and compromise the value of the soft-tissue work you’ve just received. “Strenuous exercise" … [Read more...] about How Long Should I Wait to Exercise After a Massage or Bodywork Session?
Massage Etiquette 101
Getting a massage should be a relaxing and enjoyable experience; but for some first timers it can be a bit stressful with questioning what to do, and how to act. Here are some helpful tips for anyone questioning proper etiquette for a massage. TIMING When you book your massage appointment be sure to keep track of the time it is booked, you’ll … [Read more...] about Massage Etiquette 101